One of the latest developments in the Kubernetes cluster world is the replacement of PodSecurityPolicy (PSP) with a more flexible and modern solution - Pod Security Admission (PSA) in Kubernetes cluster version 1.26. This report has been prepared for administrators, DevOps engineers and everyone involved in managing and maintaining Kubernetes clusters. The report focuses on key steps and recommendations for upgrading services that previously used PSP to ensure a smooth and secure transition to the new PSA solution. Updates required for tools such as Metallb, Portworx, Prometheus Stack and Blackbox Exporter are discussed in detail to help implement the changes effectively and securely.

the necessity to update various services before migrating to PSA, including Metallb, Portworx, Prometheus Stack, and Blackbox Exporter,

tips on backing up the Kubernetes cluster before updating,

using ArgoCD as a tool for safe and controlled service updates in the Kubernetes cluster,

the need to prepare configuration for configmap and IPAddressPool,

comparing changes in manifests using the App Diff tool in ArgoCD,

downloading and customizing the StorageClass manifest,

creating backups of objects before updating, especially in the context of Prometheus Stack,

creating a separate application for Portworx in ArgoCD with the appropriate file structure,

preparing and modifying manifests for Portworx (StorageCluster, portworx-operator, and StorageClass),

key steps and recommendations for updating the Blackbox Exporter component in the cluster,

implementing Blackbox Exporter updates in the context of monitoring architecture,

updating Kubernetes control nodes and the kubeadm tool.

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